Tam's Jam (May 2021)
Heyo! 👋
I'm writing this from my new apartment in Toronto. Traveling back from the states has been incredibly stressful and the lockdown here doesn't make it easier. But I'm so grateful to be back up north and have my own space to call home. 😌
In this month's issue, you will learn how to better the environment, how to better talk to yourself, how to better take care of yourself, and more. Let's dive in!
🌳 Reduce Your Carbon Footprint With Lomi

A few members in MMT (the community that I serve) launched an incredible new product called Lomi that turns waste into compost with a single button.
You put your food scraps, organic waste, and compostable packaging in. Lomi breaks down the waste. Then toss the soil into your plants, gardens, green bin, or even into the garbage. 😮
As someone who is trying to be more environmentally conscious, this is a perfect addition to my new apartment, The Indiegogo campaign has reached $6 million CAD and it ends in a week. You can check it out here!
📚 Chatter: The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It
I found this book to be extremely helpful in working with the monkey mind that's in our heads. One practical tool that I used right away was distanced self-talk.
"When you're trying to work through a difficult experience, use your name and the second-person 'you' to refer to yourself. Doing so is linked with less activation in brain networks associated with rumination and leads to improved performance under stress, wiser thinking, and less negative emotion."
I would literally talk to myself and say, "Tam, do you really think it's a great idea to eat the ENTIRE pizza?" or something as simple as "Come on Tam, you got this" before a big meeting. It sounds strange at first but it really works.
To learn more about the voice inside your head, check out the book here.
👀 how the f*ck do i take care of myself?
I read through this Google Slideshow (yes, you read that right) at least once a year when life hits me hard and I need some gentle guidance. I opened it again after going through my stressful move up the border and have always found a slide that was exactly what I needed to hear in that present moment.
My friend Jennie does not get enough credit for creating such an insanely valuable resource - bookmark and read it here.
📱 How to Use Your Phone... So That It Doesn't Use You
Tim Ferriss' three rules for his phone:
- No Email App
- No Social Media Apps
- Airplane Mode and Silent Mode
Lower your screen time consumption can be challenging on its own, and even more difficult with the pandemic, but it is possible.
I've deleted my social media apps but if I really need to get on, I need to turn off Content restrictions, open my browser, and manually log in. My phone is always on silent and I turn on airplane mode after 9pm.
I do still have my email app but use a software called, Hey, as a way to filter out messages. Some days are easier than others but adding more friction makes everything more annoying, which helps. 😅
The people who are unhappy with other people's success have nothing to do with the people they are comparing themselves to. It has everything to do with themselves. You don't see Michael Phelps or Naomi Osaka writing hateful YouTube comments. They are just fully living their lives!
This tweet is worth framing on my bathroom mirror.
🎤 Justin Bieber: Tiny Desk (Home) Concert
I really miss live music. The next best thing for me is putting on a Tiny Desk concert, sitting on my couch (or in reality, dancing like a maniac), and enjoying the tunes. Justin Bieber's latest album, Justice, has been on repeat for me and his performance is a vibe.
I've also really enjoyed Tom Misch's and Alicia Keys' features on Tiny Desk. Mac Miller's feature has made me both in awe and incredibly sad.
Final Thoughts
Thanks for reading! If you dig it, I'd love it if you shared Tam's Jam with a friend. You can send them here to sign up.
As always, let me know what you're reading (or watching). I'll share my favorites in the next issue of Tam's Jam.
Have an amazing day,
Tam Pham's Blog
I write about my adventures, learnings, and reflections on living my weird, unconventional life. Subscribe below!