I Took a Bachata Sabbatical For Six Months. It Was Awesome.
A recap of my bachata sabbatical where I ate, slept and breathed bachata for six months. This trip took me to Mexico City, Sevilla, Madrid, Barcelona, and Toronto. I'd do it all again if I could.

Make Major Life Decisions With Confidence By Answering Three Simple Questions
I've dropped out of college, quit my job to play chess full-time, and moved to a new country without much hesitation. I owe this clarity thanks to the time I've spent reading, journaling, and reflecting on three simple questions.

I Quit My Job to Study Chess for 7 Months and Beat a National Master
The lessons learned from 57 tournament rated games, 200+ hours of deliberate practice, and finding out who I really am in the process.

We Started With A Napkin and Ended Up With An Nintendo Wii
We met at our local ice cream shop to get a napkin and begin our quest. The day before, Vaibhav shared with Brandon and me a famous TED talk about how Kyle Macdonald played this game called Bigger or Better where he would offer an item to trade for something