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Personal Growth

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Why Everyone Needs a Solo Retreat (And How It Changed Everything for Me)

"Wow, I really can't do this for the next 30+ years"

Why Everyone Needs a Solo Retreat (And How It Changed Everything for Me)
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My Favorite Anti-Self-Help Book: Four Thousand Weeks

Four Thousand Weeks taught me how to accept our limitations and make wiser and more meaningful choices with the 4,000 weeks we have on Earth.

My Favorite Anti-Self-Help Book: Four Thousand Weeks
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How to Build Your Perfect Body Without Needing To Look Like a Model

You can develop the perfect body that you've always wanted without needing to look like a model. We cover fitness, nutrition, and a secret ingredient: lowering your expectations.

How to Build Your Perfect Body Without Needing To Look Like a Model
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Make Major Life Decisions With Confidence By Answering Three Simple Questions

I've dropped out of college, quit my job to play chess full-time, and moved to a new country without much hesitation. I owe this clarity thanks to the time I've spent reading, journaling, and reflecting on three simple questions.

Make Major Life Decisions With Confidence By Answering Three Simple Questions
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My Experience Working With a Life Coach - Is It Worth It?

My experience in searching for and working with a life coach for two years. Is it worth it?

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The Fundamental Skill You Must Master Before Anything Else

I believe self-awareness is the most important skill you could ever have. Self-awareness is foundational for long term happiness, fulfillment, and success

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Why I Love The Five Minute Journal

I love the Five Minute Journal and have used it consistently for 5+ years. I've gifted at least three dozen copies to friends and family. Here's why I love it.

Why I Love The Five Minute Journal
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How To Overcome Any Obstacle In Life - Ryan Holiday's Book Summary

My book notes from The Obstacle is The Way by Ryan Holiday. This read is one that I come back to at least once a year to reinforce all the timeless lessons.