Candid Thoughts on Moving from San Francisco to Toronto
My diary entry before moving from to a completely new country.
How I Accidentally Met Some Of My Closest Friends
I hope you can find a community who accepts you for who you fully are, where you all want the very best for each, and have lots of fun along the way.
My Plan to Make Friends From Scratch In a New Country
I’m moving out of the Bay Area after spending my entire life there to live in Toronto, Canada. This is my plan to make friends from zero.
A Beautiful and Pessimistic Approach To Life - School of Life Conference
I gave up on my dreams and lowered my expectations after attending the amazing School of Life Conference.
My Experience Working With a Life Coach - Is It Worth It?
My experience in searching for and working with a life coach for two years. Is it worth it?
Year in Review: 2018
2018 for me has been full of excitement, adventure, and peace in that order. A good friend of mine described me as transitioning from a naive and wide-eyed boy to an old Asian dad. I agree with her. Every year on my birthday, I look back and reflect on how
We Started With A Napkin and Ended Up With An Nintendo Wii
We met at our local ice cream shop to get a napkin and begin our quest. The day before, Vaibhav shared with Brandon and me a famous TED talk about how Kyle Macdonald played this game called Bigger or Better where he would offer an item to trade for something

To Easily Meet Interesting People, Go Do Interesting Things
Doing interesting things is the easiest way for others to discover your work and meet you organically.
How To Have Great Conversations With Anyone You Meet
Having great conversations will comes naturally once you start receiving and giving "gifts." Here's what I mean with real examples.
Year in Review: 2017
My year in review for 2017.
The Fundamental Skill You Must Master Before Anything Else
I believe self-awareness is the most important skill you could ever have. Self-awareness is foundational for long term happiness, fulfillment, and success
The Ideal Employee
My list of characteristics of an ideal employee that I look for when I hire someone.
Year In Review: 2016
I want to take the chance and reflect on this past year. The piece is a bit random, but I hope you learn something useful or gain a new perspective on what it’s like to live a day in a dropout’s unconventional life. (past editions here: 2015). I
What You Should Know Once You Land Your Internship
This piece was originally going to be my 2nd contribution to CNBC but they never ran the story. So I'm sharing everything here for you on what to do once you have an internship.
Should You Drop Out Of College To Start a Business?
For me, this was a clear yes, even though I completely failed. But for most people, I'd recommend staying in college. Should you drop out?
Don't Quit Your Job If You Want To Start a New Business
Don't quit your job. Minimize your risk and have space in your life to test your assumptions before making any drastic change. Here's what I mean.
If You Want To Get To The Top, Stop Working Harder
We’re told over and over that the best way to succeed is to start young, work hard, and move up the ranks. But everyone loves a shortcut — and taking one can actually make you more desirable to companies. Smart cookies find ways to jump rungs on the work ladder.
Why I Love The Five Minute Journal
I love the Five Minute Journal and have used it consistently for 5+ years. I've gifted at least three dozen copies to friends and family. Here's why I love it.
How Volunteering Helped Me Connect and Get Hired for 3 Jobs
After volunteering for two years at different events, many doors have opened for a broke young entrepreneur like me. Mostly through serendipity. * Another volunteer recruited me to run events with her at Influencer Series, an intimate gathering of highly influential leaders. We host the events at different VC firms every
Is a College Degree Worth It?
What do you say to an ambitious 19-year old when he says that he wants to drop out of college?
Year in Review: 2015
If you asked me where I would be right now a year ago, my prediction wouldn’t even come close.
My Blunt Honest Review Of Draper University
If you’re skeptical about Draper University and you’re reading this post in hopes to make an educated decision, you’re in the right place.
How To Talk To Recruiters At A Job Fair
When talking to recruiters at job fairs, come in with a purpose. Be yourself, come prepared, and demonstrate how you could provide value. Here's how to do it.
Why You Should Stop Asking Professionals For Coffee
Why you shouldn't waste people's time begging them for coffee and what you should do instead to make a genuine connection.
Three Creative Ways To Deepen Your Relationships
Three creative ways that I use frequently to connect with awesome people and build my network.
How I got James Altucher, Tim Ferriss and Pat Flynn to Be My Mentors
No emails, large amounts of money, or begging required
How To Explain To Your Parents Why You Want To Drop Out of College
Here is the exact plan you should come into the conversation so they can best understand where you're coming from.
How To Surround Yourself With The Right People
My framework for finding the right people to surround yourself in your professional career.
Why Stephen Curry Never Should Have Been NBA Champion
Stephen Curry and the Golden State Warriors won the NBA Championships last week. Here’s why Steph never should have earned such an award. Growing up, everyone told him that he was too small. As a high school sophomore, Stephen was 5'6 and 125 pounds. He lacked strength,
How A Broke Graduate Apprenticed Under Bestselling Authors Ramit Sethi, Seth Godin, and Tim Ferriss
My book summary of Charlie Hoehn's amazing book, Recession-Proof Graduate. I used this framework to get my foot in the door when I started my career. The secret is free work.